I win the mind game. I pick no road.

Prompt: Do you consider yourself someone who takes “the road less traveled”? That is, are you an independent, free thinker who wishes to pave your own roads? If so, describe an experience in your life that demonstrates this characteristic. If not, why do you prefer to take “the road more often traveled”?

I am independent but I still do things that are commonly done (Like chewing with my mouth closed). I still go to school. This isn’t a fair question because everyone who lives in a society travels the road most walked, because of the fact they are in a society. By answering this question, I would be following others and doing it too. By me typing, I am being like everyone else. By posting this on the blog instead of being given a choice, it’s not an option. You can’t win. If you are different, there are so many different people that are so outspoken that it’s common now. So, this is impossible. By answering “I’m different” you are like all the other people who said that. By saying “I’m normal” you become like everyone else. By saying you’re independent, you do everything that other independent people do to be independent, such as cook their own food. If you are dependent, then you are like the people you are dependent on. So, you know what? I sit down. That’s my answer.

If you were at my Bar Mitzvah you would know I really don’t like listening to people or doing what they say. You wouldn’t know that I hate answering questions in an expected or correct way, and I hate categorizing myself for some things. Sadly, I still have to post this whole thing because grades exist but that just goes to show how you can’t really be different because of how society forces you to be. For another example, teachers don’t let you make comments or ask questions normally, and you can’t be different. You all have to learn in the exact same way, and you have to learn the same thing until high school.

2 thoughts on “I win the mind game. I pick no road.”

  1. Ezra,
    Thank you for answering the question so honestly. You are 100% right that just by existing within society, you are expected to follow certain rules and norms. Depending on where you are, those rules and norms change, as you’ve pointed out. I hope that although there are certain expectations and “non-negotiables” in school, you still feel that you have a voice, and are able to express yourself as much as you can, all while doing so in a respectful way to your peers and teachers 🙂

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