Paragraph of the week: Courage

When have you had to demonstrate bravery and courage? What is the hardest thing about having courage?

I have never demonstrated courage or bravery. Most bullies I’ve encountered (of which there have been 5ish) I just run away from or ignore. I don’t do anything particularly dangerous that I don’t think I can do safely. So, I don’t know the hardest thing about courage. Because this paragraph is supposed to be a decent length, I’m going to talk about something mildly dangerous (I guess).

I have some family friends, and we often go on hikes with them. There’s this one hike with a river/waterfall, and we all like to climb on the rocks. There’s this one rock, maybe 6 meters off the ground, which we always go to and sit on. That’s probably the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done. (Wow exciting)

I win the mind game. I pick no road.

Prompt: Do you consider yourself someone who takes “the road less traveled”? That is, are you an independent, free thinker who wishes to pave your own roads? If so, describe an experience in your life that demonstrates this characteristic. If not, why do you prefer to take “the road more often traveled”?

I am independent but I still do things that are commonly done (Like chewing with my mouth closed). I still go to school. This isn’t a fair question because everyone who lives in a society travels the road most walked, because of the fact they are in a society. By answering this question, I would be following others and doing it too. By me typing, I am being like everyone else. By posting this on the blog instead of being given a choice, it’s not an option. You can’t win. If you are different, there are so many different people that are so outspoken that it’s common now. So, this is impossible. By answering “I’m different” you are like all the other people who said that. By saying “I’m normal” you become like everyone else. By saying you’re independent, you do everything that other independent people do to be independent, such as cook their own food. If you are dependent, then you are like the people you are dependent on. So, you know what? I sit down. That’s my answer.

If you were at my Bar Mitzvah you would know I really don’t like listening to people or doing what they say. You wouldn’t know that I hate answering questions in an expected or correct way, and I hate categorizing myself for some things. Sadly, I still have to post this whole thing because grades exist but that just goes to show how you can’t really be different because of how society forces you to be. For another example, teachers don’t let you make comments or ask questions normally, and you can’t be different. You all have to learn in the exact same way, and you have to learn the same thing until high school.

Middle School Retreat

Our middle school retreat is a little 3 day activity where middle school bonds.


Day1: We went to a field. We ate breakfast. We did prayers. We did some games including one where you pretend to be an introvert or extrovert. Then we played soccer baseball (we lost) and went on a hill. After that, we went on an obstacle course, which was awesome. I did every obstacle but 2: the last one (pretty much no-one finished it) and one where height was needed (I am short.) Then the Grade 8s (my class) did games with the younger grades. Then… Shnupencups

Day 2: I slept in ’till a nice an late 5:00 in the morning. We went to a rafting place to do whitewater rafting. We also wore wetsuits. For 2 hours. Before we went in a boat.

Day 3: We listened to a interplanetary discussion which so happened to share a language, and a religion. We heard about very Earth-like places, like Asia and Europe. We then had to choose certain Jewish values to help our planet, Gafiltafish. After that, we did a trust activity, and gladly, Maya did not lead me blindfolded into a tree. Thank you. Anyways, we watched a slideshow.




What was not enjoyable?

Math class conversion program in JS

This is a currency conversion program created by me, done in JS. During math class, while learning about conversions, we were supposed to use to create a program similar to this one. Although, due to my lack of knowledge of, and my familiarity with JS, I created it in JS instead. Also, this was done by hard coding, although now I probably would have made it flexible, using more general conversions to a single variable then branching it from there. (Ex: (Inaccurate) 1$ CAD=1.2$ USD, 1$USD=10 Yen, Therefore 1$ CAD=1.2×10 Yen, 1$ CAD=12 Yen.)

If it doesn't run, on Google Chrome, right click. Then, click "Inspect". Then press "Console" then copy and paste the code below, and press Enter. (Ignore some of the text changing throughout the pictures.) (Other/better options below.)

The code:

var use=prompt ("This is a currency conversion program. Do you want to use it?
(Only relevant for a specific post.) 1=Yes, 2=No.")
if (use>0&&use<2){
alert ("Currency conversion program based in 2021 May 5th. Currency conversion may not be accurate by the time of use. All info was provided by Google and associated companies. Some information may be inexact. If there is an error, you must restart the program. Only answer as suggested.")
alert ("This has Canadian Dollars (CAD), American Dollars (USD), European Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB?), and British Pounds (GBP) (Also known as Sterling Pounds.)")
var side1=prompt ("What currency are you using? (Type it in the order it was stated:Canadian=1, American=2, Euros=3, Yen=4, Yuan=5, and British Pounds=6.)")
var side2=prompt ("What do you want to convert it into? Same rules apply.(Canadian=1, American=2, Euros=3, Yen=4, Yuan=5, and British Pounds=6)")
var money=prompt ("How much money would you like to convert?")
if (money>99998&&money<100000){
alert ("You are like my brother Noah.")
if (side1>0&&side1<2){
if (side2>1&&side2<3){
alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.82) + " in American Dollars.")
}else if (side2>2&&side2<4){
alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.68) + " in Euros.")
}else if (side2>3&&side2<5){
alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*89.12) + " in Yen.")
}else if (side2>4&&side2<6){
alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*5.28) + " in Yuan.")
}else if (side2>5&&side2<7){
alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.59) + " in British Pounds.")
}else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert ("It's the same.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
}else if (side1>1&&side1<3)
if (side2>1&&side2<3){
alert ("It's the same.")
}else if (side2>2&&side2<4){
alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*0.83) + " in Euros.")
}else if (side2>3&&side2<5){
alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*109.29) + " in Yen.")
}else if (side2>4&&side2<6){
alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*6.47) + " in Yuan.")
}else if (side2>5&&side2<7){
alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*0.72) + " in British Pounds.")
}else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*1.23) + " in Canadian Dollars.")
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
else if (side1>2&&side1<4){
if (side2>1&&side2<3){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*1.2) + " in American Dollars.")
}else if (side2>2&&side2<4){
alert ("It's the same.")
}else if (side2>3&&side2<5){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*131.07) + " in Yen.")
}else if (side2>4&&side2<6){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*7.77) + " in Yuan.")
}else if (side2>5&&side2<7){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.86) + " in British Pounds.")
}else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*1.47) + " in Canadian Dollars.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
}else if (side1>3&&side1<5){
if (side2>1&&side2<3){
alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*0.15) + " in American.")
}else if (side2>2&&side2<4){
alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*0.13) + " in Euros.")
}else if (side2>3&&side2<5){
alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*16.87) + " in Yen.")
}else if (side2>4&&side2<6){
alert ("It's the same.")
}else if (side2>5&&side2<7){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.11) + " in British Pounds.")
}else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.19) + " in Canadian.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
}else if (side1>4&&side1<6){
if (side2>1&&side2<3){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.39) + " in American.")
}else if (side2>2&&side2<4){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.16) + " in Euros.")
}else if (side2>3&&side2<5){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*151.85) + " in Yen.")
}else if (side2>4&&side2<6){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*9) + " in Yuan.")
}else if (side2>5&&side2<7){
alert ("It's the same.")
}else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.71) + " in Canadian.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
alert ("Okay.")

If that doesn't work, use JSFiddle (, and just use the link. If that doesn't work, in the JS section (bottom left quarter) put in this code (it's different that above, but does the exact same thing. Google counts a paragraph ending as a semicolon, and most JS doesn't work that way) If it doesn't run, you stop it, or you want to activate it again, use the "Run" button at the top left:

var use=prompt ("This is a currency conversion program. Do you want to use it. (Only relevant for a specific post.) 1=Yes, 2=No.")
if (use>0&&use<2){ alert ("Currency conversion program based in 2021 May 5th. Currency conversion may not be accurate by the time of use. All info was provided by Google and associated companies. Some information may be inexact. If there is an error, you must restart the program. Only answer as suggested.");alert ("This has Canadian Dollars (CAD), American Dollars (USD), European Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB?), and British Pounds (GBP) (Also known as Sterling Pounds.)");var side1=prompt ("What currency are you using? (Type it in the order it was stated:Canadian=1, American=2, Euros=3, Yen=4, Yuan=5, and British Pounds=6.)");var side2=prompt ("What do you want to convert it into? Same rules apply.(Canadian=1, American=2, Euros=3, Yen=4, Yuan=5, and British Pounds=6)");var money=prompt ("How much money would you like to convert?");if (money>99998&&money<100000){ alert ("You are like my brother Noah.") }else{ if (side1>0&&side1<2){ if (side2>1&&side2<3){ alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.82) + " in American Dollars.") }else if (side2>2&&side2<4){ alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.68) + " in Euros.") }else if (side2>3&&side2<5){ alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*89.12) + " in Yen.") }else if (side2>4&&side2<6){ alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*5.28) + " in Yuan.") }else if (side2>5&&side2<7){ alert (money + " dollars in Canadian is " + (money*0.59) + " in British Pounds.") }else if (side2>0&&side2<2){ alert ("It's the same.") }else { alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.") } }else if (side1>1&&side1<3) if (side2>1&&side2<3){ alert ("It's the same.") }else if (side2>2&&side2<4){ alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*0.83) + " in Euros.") }else if (side2>3&&side2<5){ alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*109.29) + " in Yen.") }else if (side2>4&&side2<6){ alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*6.47) + " in Yuan.") }else if (side2>5&&side2<7){ alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*0.72) + " in British Pounds.") }else if (side2>0&&side2<2){ alert (money + " dollars in American is " + (money*1.23) + " in Canadian Dollars.") }else{ alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.") } else if (side1>2&&side1<4){ if (side2>1&&side2<3){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*1.2) + " in American Dollars.") }else if (side2>2&&side2<4){ alert ("It's the same.") }else if (side2>3&&side2<5){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*131.07) + " in Yen.") }else if (side2>4&&side2<6){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*7.77) + " in Yuan.") }else if (side2>5&&side2<7){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.86) + " in British Pounds.") }else if (side2>0&&side2<2){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*1.47) + " in Canadian Dollars.") }else { alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.") } }else if (side1>3&&side1<5){ if (side2>1&&side2<3){ alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*0.15) + " in American.") }else if (side2>2&&side2<4){ alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*0.13) + " in Euros.") }else if (side2>3&&side2<5){ alert (money + " in Yuan is " + (money*16.87) + " in Yen.") }else if (side2>4&&side2<6){ alert ("It's the same.") }else if (side2>5&&side2<7){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.11) + " in British Pounds.") }else if (side2>0&&side2<2){ alert (money + " in Euros is " + (money*0.19) + " in Canadian.") }else { alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.") } }else if (side1>4&&side1<6){ if (side2>1&&side2<3){ alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.39) + " in American.") }else if (side2>2&&side2<4){ alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.16) + " in Euros.") }else if (side2>3&&side2<5){ alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*151.85) + " in Yen.") }else if (side2>4&&side2<6){ alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*9) + " in Yuan.") }else if (side2>5&&side2<7){ alert ("It's the same.") }else if (side2>0&&side2<2){
alert (money + " in British Pounds is " + (money*1.71) + " in Canadian.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
}else {
alert ("Please reread the instructions and follow them.")
alert ("Okay.")


If you have any other problems, you can tell me in the comments of this page.